Publish Date: 2024-03-20T01:46:58
The Asian Productivity Organization (APO), in cooperation with the National Productivity Secretariat of Sri Lanka, will be conducting the above-titled course that aims to explain the latest concepts of reliable supply chain management, and train participants in how to build and maintain reliable supply chains to ensure the uninterrupted flow and availability of materials in manufacturing, among other objectives.

Target participants include industrial leaders, academics, executives of industrial/manufacturers’ associations, and senior professionals from manufacturing industries.

The Academy, as the National Productivity Organization, would like to invite SWAPP to nominate up to two (2) qualified candidates from within the organization. The closing date for nomination is on 12 April 2024, to allow sufficient time for preliminary screening and transmission to the APO. The APO Secretariat in Tokyo, Japan, will do the final selection of participants.

For accepted candidates, the APO will bear the cost of roundtrip international airfare using the most direct route, hotel ccommodation and per diem allowance for the official duration of the project. The participants will shoulder the cost of passport fees, visa fees, travel insurance, airport taxes, and cancellation charges due to last minute withdrawal after being accepted by APO.

Attached for your reference is the Project Notification, while nomination forms can be downloaded from this link: We would appreciate receiving your nominations on or before the above-cited deadline.

For questions or clarifications, please contact our APO/DAP Secretariat through e-mail at cc: Attn: MJ Del Mundo.

Download PDF and Word Files here:

2023 DAP Citizen's Charter ExternalClients 4th Edition

Endorsement Format November 2023 F2F

TRC on Building Reliable Supply Chains SRI LANKA-F2F signed ATRS 9-9


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